At The Five Forks
I'm a novice at podcasting, but nonetheless adventuresome and I'm always looking for new ways to learn and keep my brain active. This will be a lifestyle podcast where I discuss a wide variety of topics facing each of us as we move into retirement. There will be discussion surrounding various hobbies, side hustles and life in general. I hope you get something out of every episode, but regardless I hope I can bring you some useful information that you will use somewhere down the road
Come along and explore At The Five Forks, and always remember:
When Faced With A Fork In The Road ... Take It !!
At The Five Forks
A Christmas Message
A quick thank you to all who have downloaded and listened to this Brand New podcast and a brief Christmas Message. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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A Christmas Message
Hello everyone. So happy that you are taking the time to visit At The Five Forks. I’m your Host and my name is Barry.
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say Thank You to all who have listened and downloaded the Podcast. At The Five Forks is a brand-new adventure for me and it’s great to see that it’s off to a great start because of you.
Secondly, I wanted to say, Merry Christmas to each one of you. I hope that you all have an opportunity to spend this special time with your family and friends and I hope this is the best Christmas ever for you and your family.
Christmas is a time to recognize the things that really matter in our life and to give thanks for our many blessings that we so often overlook as we go through our hectic and sometimes chaotic life. Many of us will carry on traditions that have been handed down within our families for decades. We’ll remember with happiness and sometimes a touch of sadness the memories of Christmases long past and the people that made those memories so special. We will bring out the decorations and we’ll put on our finest clothes to attend parties and Christmas songs and Christmas carols fill the airwaves and every store we walk into has the music of the season softly playing over the intercom system. We’ll gather for huge meals and special drinks finished off with heavenly sweets and desserts before taking that big nap or playing with the newest toys and gifts.
You know, Christmas is so much more than that once-a-year time to give gifts to the ones you care about. Christmas is so much more than parties, decorations, and festive songs. For me, Christmas is a special time of reflection and thankfulness for the greatest gift of all. The birth of our savior Jesus Christ and the promise that gives us.
Luke 2:10-11 says: “And the angel said unto them, fear not: For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord”. This is true meaning of Christmas for me and my family.
My Christmas Wish as we close out this year and open a new chapter with the coming new year, is that we’ll remember Christmas and try to put into action daily, this attitude of friendship, love and giving that surrounds us each season. My Christmas Wish is that we will all, do a better job throughout this coming year to take care of each other, to recognize those less fortunate and help where we can. My Christmas wish is that the New Year will be one of peace, joy, and prosperity for you and your family.
From My Family to Yours: Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year.
Please check back each week to see what we’re talking about here at the five forks, and remember always:
When faced with a fork in the road … Take It